Drive Your Ass Home
This week is the week I’ve looked forward all semester, but unfortunately this gluttony-fill holiday is also filled to the brim with driving, waiting in traffic, and hating your family. I’ve handpicked these tunes from the depths of my terrible taste. So relax, put on this playlist, and drive your ass home.

1. “Boy Racers” by Metronomy off Love Letters
This first song is from the British artist Metronomy, giving a slow growing groove that would give anyone’s head a twitch. This song is one of my favorite to drive to, eat turkey, and passively aggressive respond to kin.
2. “Ghost Town” by The Specials off Stereo-Typical: A’s, B’s, and Rarities
Cruising out of this ghost town to a familiar, food-scented holiday, leave your problems within the ghost town. This song may have no idea what, or where it wants to be, but The Specials bring an eerily jam for you to wear your engines pistons
3. “Watermelon Man” by Herbie Hancock off Head Hunters
My first experience with this song was in my youth after the holiday on a day of black repute, and it was no dispute that this track has always stuck with me. Early in the morning on this day in a Saturn the color of a forest we slow-rolled ourselves to great plunder.
4. “Stylo (feat. Mos Def and Bobby Womack)” by Gorillaz off Plastic Beach
If you’ve never heard this song, and seen the coinciding video, well get on it. It will make you turn up this track, and imagine Bruce Willis chasing you down within some good old fashion American muscles on this day of American totalities and turkey causalities.
5. “Electricity” by Avalanches off Since I Left You
Another song from my youth, this album was shown to me, and given in to me in the form of a CD. Imagine me listening to this over and over in my car, and maybe it is easy to see why this one made my list. I knew I could pick any off this album and be happy. I hope you are too.
6. “Mothership Connection (Star Child)” by Parliament off Mothership Connection
Having the musical taste of a regressive forest dweller I just discovered this wonderful song recently. If you are like me, enjoy, if you are so woke that you lay awake at night, enjoy.
7. “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” by Gil Scott-Heron off The Revolution Begins
This song is added by our wonderful business director Tony Mitchell. Thank you Tony.
8. “Bambro Koyo Ganda-Analog Version” by Bonobo, Innov Gnawa off Bambro Koyo Ganda
If you haven’t heard the original version, please give it a shot, but I included this version because Ive always enjoyed the growing groove with the space that having acoustic instruments within the mix, instead of the normal synth sounds.