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DJ Dirtybird's Playlist

Josh Moran, aka DJ Dirty Bird

You can listen to DJ Dirty Bird's Playlist on Spotify here.

1. “Help on the Way/Slipknot!”, by the Grateful Dead off the album Blues for Allah. This song is a classic example of the Dead’s groovy psychedelic jam songs; A riff-centric verse and chorus intermingling with solos and more orchestrated soli sections. Perfect opener to any radio show

2. “Reba”, by Phish off the album Lawn Boy. This is formatted a very similar style to the previous song. Riffy verse/chorus mixed with a huge jam interlude. Very different, more sophisticated sound than that of the grateful dead.

3. “Apostrophe”, by Frank Zappa off the album Apostrophe. Another jam song, mostly guitar solo and heavy riffing. Transitional song that leaves what comes next pretty open.

4. “Fluff”, by Black Sabbath off the album Black Sabbath. Despite being associated as the original heavy metal band, this Sabbath ballad is something that’s actually appropriate for church. Fully acoustic, Sabbath proves that they have a gentler more beautiful side behind all the chaos of their music. Sets up well for more acoustic pieces.

5. “The Only Living Boy in New York”, by Simon and Garfunkel off their album Bridge Over Troubled Water. More acoustic music! A much more mellow vibe at the point in the playlist. Easily my favorite Simon and Garfunkel tune, beautiful melody and haunting harmonies done inside an echo chamber.

6. “Cannock Chase”, by Labi Siffre off his album Crying, Laughing, Loving, Lying. Very similar vibe to Simon and Garfunkel with the picked guitar and beautiful voice. This song is slightly more orchestrated and the snare drum really keeps the energy of the song up. Beautiful melody and refrain.

7. “Sarah”, by Alex G off his album Trick. Much more contemporary acoustic song, but still beautiful nonetheless. Very meaningful lyrics, you can really relate to them. One of the catchiest songs I’ve ever heard.

8. “Surfing”, by Triathalon off their album Lo-Tide. Feel good up tempo surf influenced song, great to bring the energy back up. Very simple song but still very catchy, much like the Alex G song.

9. “Lysergic Bliss”, by Of Montreal off their album Satanic Panic in the Attic. This is another feel good song and a great song to close on as it transitions towards the end and fades out on a jam, just like the playlist started on.


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