Album Reviewer of the Month
Britney Gizzi

We sat down with Britney Gizzi, and asked her about her experiences at WIDR FM.
How long have you been working with WIDR?
I started working at WIDR at the beginning of the 2016 school year. So if my math is right, it’s a little over a year. But I did go home for summer, so I don’t know if that time counts or not.
What do you do?
I am a part of the Promotions Team at WIDR and I just recently started reviewing albums.
Favorite album?
Are we talking in general? Not just out of the albums I’ve reviewed? Because I’d have to say How To Be A Human Being by Glass Animals. Out of the albums I’ve reviewed, probably Echo Papa by Air Traffic Controller.
What drew your attention to WIDR?
My parents really pushed me to get into something I enjoyed during my first year of college. Throughout high school I was a huge part of the fine arts department and I wanted to continue that in college. WIDR seemed like a good outlet for my love of music and it turned out to be better than I could have hoped!
If you were in the world of Harry Potter, and were in a Hogwarts house, which one would you be in?
100% Ravenclaw! I took the Pottermore test, so it’s official.
Favorite WIDR memory so far?
My favorite memory is definitely the WIDRama we had at Rupert’s with 4 Guys 3 Beards, Nothing New, and 2070. I had a blast talking to people and I felt so welcomed, I had a great time and I didn’t want to leave at the end of the night!
Any closing thoughts?
WIDR has become like a family to me. Everyone there is so nice and accepting and funny! I came to Western from Colorado, and I left all my friends back there. Joining WIDR was without a doubt the best decision I made. I’ve made friends through WIDR and I’m so thankful!