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Listen to "Reel Live!"

Cully Cooper

Are you potentially looking for something to occupy your time Wednesdays from 2-3? Are you a movie buff, or just searching for some mid-week silliness? Look no further! My friend, and our resident Program Director, Hank Melluish, and I are hosting a weekly movie talk show dubbed: “Reel Live!” The show features the likes of us, waxing philosophical on a chosen film each week.

Our first week we covered, The Power the Dog, a powerful somber drama and more importantly, Netflix Original, it doesn’t get better than that! UnPACKing the meanings behind Benedict Cumberbatch’s vitriolic performance was a delight to begin our journey to review every movie that has ever been created!

The next film on our chopping block was the “erotically charged” thriller, A Vampire’s Kiss. Perhaps one of Nicolas Cage’s most notable performances. We came to the conclusion that this film was perfect in every beautifully way, despite it’s outrageousness.

This week, we are reviewing, Spike Lee’s, Do The Right Thing. A challenging film that cracks at the inequalities and conflicts within a community, and how violence and hate will end in just that…

Join us, every Wednesday at 3pm for some fun times, unique segments, our controversial takes, and to find out if the movie is hot… or not?


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