The Splatterhouse -
Two Hours of industrial, metal, goth, punk, and other types of electronic jams! The darkest, heaviest, filthiest show on WIDR FM! Friday nights from Midnight to 2am!

We sat down with DJ WILL KILL and asked about his experiences here at WIDR FM.
How long have you been DJing at WIDR? I’ve been DJing at WIDR since January 2016 but I’ve been volunteering with WIDR since Fall 2015.
What is your most memorable moment at WIDR? Being able to interview artists that I’ve respected and been a fan of for a long time have been my proudest moments at WIDR. I got to interview Edsel Dope from Dope, Zoog Von Rock from Angelspit and more!
Who would be your dream guest to have on your show?
I’d like to have myself on my own show as an interview subject! Nobody ever asks me anything. Seriously though, I would love to have Jimmy Urine from Mindless Self Indulgence on my show. I feel like he would be a lot of fun to interview. But I wouldn’t say no to Al Jourgensen of Ministry or Dave Wyndorf from Monster Magnet either!
What does WIDR and Radio Evolution mean to you?
Growing up and going through high school, I never joined a single club or extracurricular activity because nothing ever interested me. So the fact that DJing for WIDR has become such a passion of mine surprises even myself, sometimes.
Even with as popular as other types of electronic music have become in the United States, I feel that Industrial is still super-underrepresented, and DJing through WIDR means being able to give it an outlet, and I’m honored to be able to be the one to do it. The fact that I get to play music that I love and care about and have been listening to since my single digit years to a wide audience means so much to me, and I have a niche in Kalamazoo, because Kalamazoo in general isn’t really an Industrial-music type city.
If even one person listens to my show and hears something that makes them think, “Wow, this is cool! What IS this?” and looks it up, then my job is done. I have spread the good word of Industrial music. On top of helping with exposure, I also get props and love from the bands that I play! Whether it be a nice message, free promotional downloads, or an interview, I get a deep amount of satisfaction that the bands I play take notice of my show.
Plus, as I mentioned earlier, I get to interview my heroes! I get to talk to artists and bands that I’ve admired for a long time on my show, and if that isn’t cool, I don’t know what is!
All of this is what WIDR means to me. I get to live the rockstar lifestyle, and I can’t even play any instruments!
Most importantly, WIDR FM has provided me with a network of friends, colleagues, and like-minded individuals. WIDR FM has made my time at Western Michigan University well worth it. I wouldn’t change any of it for anything!