Dissatisfaction - Music Director Playlist of the Month
The music industry is full of people who were dissatisfied with the status quo of the music around them, people who wanted something different, and weirdos. I love all of this most about music, and hope to oneday complain about what I see unfit ironically through music. From the Wu Tang to Richard Hell this playlist is the music to my revolution.

“Protect Ya Neck” , by Wu-Tang Clan off Enter The Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers
The Wu-Tang Clan’s first album Enter The Wu-Tang Clan is a masterpiece of hard hitting lyrics, minimalistic beats, and the anger of an group of young men from New York City. The Wu always speaks out against a system they have seen from the underbelly, sending a message to the world that the Wu-Tang Aint Nuthing ta F’ Wit.
2. “Looking For A Kiss”, by New York Dolls from their self titled album New York Dolls
The Proto punk darlings New York Dolls might have had a quick flight, and sudden crash, but their rough rock and roll, glam looks, and punk attitude was something unseen at the time. Looking for A Kiss talks about life within rundown, bankrupt New York City during the 70s, and life within the glam community.
3. “Vietnow”, by Rage Against The Machine off Evil Empire
As their name suggest Rage is not about the status quo. Led by Zack de la Rocha angst filled lyrics damning a country he see as a shell of what is presented to the public. Rage covers topics of Propaganda pushing, Warmongering, and Institutionalism. This is them yelling to the rafters “WAKE UP”
4. “I Don’t Wanna Hear It”, by Minor Threat off First Two Seven Inches
One of Two Minor Threat tunes on this playlist this blazes into the playlist, and doesn’t let you forget the topics meant to be disgusted, if you can understand them. Straight Edge hardcore punks have little time for listening to what they deem useless, and Minor Threat has never been afraid to speak their mind.
5. “California Uber Alles”, by Dead Kennedys off Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
The Dead Kennedys have been getting a lot of attention for their song “Nazi Punks F*&% Off” because of recent events within the United States, and I wanted to give people more. Jello Biafra’s animated vocal stylings and pointe lyrical content has given the Dead Kennedys a special place in my heart.
6. “911 Is A Joke”, by Public Enemy off Fear Of A Black Planet
Public Enemy hit the american public over the head with their music and antics during the late 80s. 1990s Fear OF A Black Planet ensured this would continue into the next decade. Promoting unity among his community, and implore the public to look for the real enemies behind the scenes. Public Enemy made wakes within america, and within myself.
7. “Teenage Lobotomy”, by Ramones off Rocket To Russia
The Ironic telling of Joey Ramone's Lobotomy at the hands of his bassist Dee Dee. The Ramones have always been known for delivering commentary within a fast, funny, ironic tone. Bring to life the idea that songs don’t have to be an eternity, the Ramones were some of the first punks.
8. “Who Says?-It’s Good To Be Alive?”, by Richard Hell and the Voidoids off Blank Generation
Going for the deep cut off Richard Hell’s 1977 punk hit Blank Generation. Richard Hell formed the Voidoids to promote his musical work, and as a platform to speak out to the world about his Nihilism and drug addiction. New York City in the 70s was a rough world, and Richard doesn’t see the world through flowery glasses.
9. “The Message(Feat. Melle Mel & Duke Bootee)”, by Grandmaster Flash off The Message
This is a song many people would have heard, and if they haven’t they should. The pressure of urban decay, gang violence, and rampant drug use would be enough to crack any human, but to add the horrific racial divide that exists within our country, could push anyone to the edge. Grandmaster Flash tries to present the public with a look at life from a side that many can’t relate, to bring attention to problems that others pass over with unseeing eyes.